Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Journey Down the Road of Meaning (35 MPH vs. 1 MPH)

I have several things going through my head today. The first has to do with some reoccurring dreams that I have been having over the past six months usually entailing me being trapped in my old job and never being able to find the way out. But last night there were some new developments. First, I was being chased by Sylar from the television show "Heroes," and second I was being helped by my friend Loren.

As I went on a walk this afternoon, I was pondering about what that dream meant. Now, it's obvious what the reoccurring dream about being trapped in my old place of work says, but what about Sylar? In "Heroes" he was the evil villain who stalked the people with superpowers so that he could take those abilities for himself, killing the hero in the process. So, putting all of the three elements together, I am in the process of escaping my old ways, being helped in the process by my friend Loren, but the enemy is unhappy and is hunting me down so that he can take away what makes me unique.

What an interesting dream. Isn't it amazing that when you have such an epic dream that you wake up feeling exhausted and worn out?

The second thought going through my mind has to do with breaking out of the monotony of a mundane life. Metaphorically speaking, I have been trying to speed down the road of life doing 120 MPH, but I finally got busted by the cops and I'm forced to go down the road of life at walking speeds and what amazing sites you actually see and experience.

For the first time in a long time, I am actually attempting some new ideas on projects that I am working on. The past two days have been spent doing some new type of animation in After Effects, and I am excited as it takes shape and is different than a lot of things that I have done lately. I slowed down and took the time to actually try new things. How exciting!

What got me thinking about this was a walk I just took. I walked down 28th street to the corner Chevron. Normally, I am doing 35 MPH down this road, but I was amazed at what I saw and how much larger and open my world actually is.

If we could actually slow down more often, our lives would be that much more enriching and worthwhile, and just perhaps we would have something to be passionate about, instead of feeling tired and burnt out.

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