Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Time for Change, pt. 1

I am finally ready for a change.

For the past 5 years, I have systematically eliminated all healthy activities such as exercising and eating right, all in an attempt to live a life that I thought that I had to live. A life devoted to work. A life devoted to taking care of everyone else's needs. A life devoted to doing what I thought everyone wanted me to do. But you know what? That kind of life totally sucks! I'm ready for a change.

Change #1: I joined Weight Watchers.
I never thought that I would join a diet program, but you know what, I never realized how much I was eating until I read about proper portion sizes on Weight Watchers website. Now I can track how much I am eating, the amount of exercise I am doing, my weight, and even download healthy recipes. Last night I made Pan-Seared Chicken with Garlic Sauce and only came out to be 10 of my 40 points for the day. That was pretty cool, and it was really good. My goal is 165 lbs., which is very far away from my current weight of 286, but I am encouraged with the fact that I have done it before, and I will do it again. I am doing it because I want to be healthy, active and be able to wear a lot of the clothes that I have in my closet that don't fit anymore. I want to be able to feel good when I run or hike. I just want to feel better, and I am ready.

Change #2: I am learning more about the guitar.
I have played guitar for 12 years. I started to play when I was a sophomore in high school, learning all of Metallica's catalog. While I have a certain adeptness to playing guitar, I have reached a point where I need to learn more, grow more, and branch out into other genres other than rock or metal. I would love to learn more about jazz, classical, country and overall guitar playing that would fit in any genre. I bought a Modern Guitar Method book that Berklee uses at their school, it even comes with a DVD, so I am really excited about learning more guitar theory and growing in my ability to play.

Well, there are two changes, and I will post more later on, but for now, I have some things to do for work.

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